πŸ™ The Feeling Is Mutual πŸ’œ

Repost @catherinegraceo πŸ™ The feeling is mutual πŸ’œπŸ’œ β€œWe have an opportunity for a new world and a new culture for women centered upon collaboration over competition. The only way we can change the world is by changing ourselves.” CatherineGraceO πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘© .
Together, this beautiful human @yellowbrickrunway and I bring over 108 years of life experience. .
Jacqueline is one of the most radiant beings I’ve ever encountered. Her external beauty can’t begin to hold a candle to the extraordinary beauty within. .
2020 is a portal - to a new world and a new way of being. Women were never designed to compete. Competition separates us. Collaboration unites us. We are far stronger together. .
I believe in sharing what I love. Jacqueline and I are both huge fans of @nicolefranktwe. If you haven’t discovered the The Wardrobe Evolution - sustainable, functional and interchangeable fashion - by the innovative designer, Nicole Frank, we encourage you to visit her website. .

Evolution is everything. Personal evolution and the evolution of style. .
Cheers Beauties - how do you feel about collaboration over competition?πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©

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